Notice: Deletion of the posting on “Asia Times” of March 30, 2015

I have deleted the posting “’Asia Times’ changes its political position – now a mouthpiece for the Chinese rulers” of March 30, 2015. This characterization of the AT is not correct, as I have learned by frequent reading of articles in the AT after that posting. In later postings I’ve already admitted that the initial evaluation had to be corrected somehow. I regret the mistaken assessment. As an excuse, I want to invoke the fact that in the first period after the zine had been reconstituted such an impression of its political orientation could emerge, different from what it looks like now. In the meantime, not only its coverage of subjects has become more manifold, but there are also contributions that add to views of the Chinese rulers’ politics from different angles. At first, the attitude of AT had looked very submissive towards them, and rather disparaging towards others.


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